Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Solitary Confinement

This article will blow your mind. If you have ever doubted that solitary confinement is torture, read this. Britain has more successful options of rehabilitation that they have tried and tested. We are all culpable for this violation of basic human rights that serves no purpose (and for the most part, makes the situation worse.)

Click me.....


  1. As far as that rhesus monkey study is concerned, there is actually a lot of research showing how necessary sociality in primates is for simple learning. A lot of scientists believe that sociality and brain size have been co-evolving and pushing each to the evolutionary limit.

    The testimonies in that article almost seemed like the brains of the inmates were atrophying from lack of social contact

  2. this was very interesting. i had heard this before in a thing i watched on the history channel about how before the modern era parents would just leave their children in isolation basically. I think that this is proof in the step of the right direction, but i have also heard recently that over stimulation as in too much contact can result in some negative effects as well. But, this is very interesting good find!


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